La Lunga Notte Della Paura / Безумная Ночь Пауры (1993)

Title/Название: Безумная Ночь Пауры
Original Title/Оригинальное название: La Lunga Notte Della Paura
Street Date/Год выпуска: 1993
Runtime/Продолжительность: 1:08:21
Category/Жанр: Feature, Anal, Oral
Company/Cтудия: Salieri Entertainment
Director/Режиссер: Mario Salieri
Starring/В ролях: Maeva, Richard Lengin, Simona Valli, Joe Calzone, Philippe Soine, Ildiko Varconi, Giulia Chanel, Miriam Ponzi, Rita Rustic, Annette Benson, Jane Fossbinder, C. Clark, Gregory Dark, Michel Arriol
Story/Описание: Этот жаркий и сильный фильм введет Вас в декадентский мир судьи, чья сексуальная жизнь смущает всех, кто оказывается у него на пути . Жизнь - мечта, испорченная убийством! Никогда прежде сочетание триллера и порнодетектива не было настолько совершенным . Несомненно, это наиболее жесткое из всего итальянского эротического кино
Attention: Sensitive souls refrain!
This shocking torrid and violent film will lead you into the decadent world of a judge whose sex life shames all those who step before him. A dream life blemished by murder! Never before has a mix between a thriller and an ""X"" cop been so perfect. Indubitably, this is the hardest of all Italian erotic cinema!
Featuring shocking, violent scenes, torrid trios, Italian super production, sexual humiliations.. This distinguished stud puts up a good front with his polished airs; but behind closed doors, he lets his true colors show! He's a kinky man whose sexual appetites have driven him over the edge. He runs around the estate treating these horny babes as his personal sex kittens - pounding their pussies and stretching their tender assholes until something fragile in his mind snaps! Cum watch what he does to sate ALL his carnal desires!