Образ отца 5 / Father Figure 5 (2014)

Original Name: Father Figure 5
Year: 2014
Studio: Sweet Sinner
Genre: Feature, Couples
Starring: Carmen Callaway, Dillion Harper, Chloe Foster, Katie St. Ives, Steven St.Croix, Evan Stone, Tom Byron, Nick Manning
Duration: 02:10:51
Молодых и невинных девушек любопытство влечет к старшим и опытным мужчинам, которые отроют девушкам таинственный и захватывающий мир сексуальных интриг.
There's something about young, curious, somewhat innocent women being attracted to older, experienced gentleman to guide them into the mysterious and exciting world of sexual intrigue. Carmen Callaway acts on her crush with the family Doctor. Dillion Harper finally finds some time alone with her tennis coach. Bad girl Chloe Foster sexually taunts then seduces her parole officer, and Katie St. Ives finally has her way with her power-attorney boss. Reckless youthful energy combined with sophisticated experience ends up awesomely combustive.