Cool Sheets / Прохладные простыни(1989)

Название: Холодные простыни
Original Title/Оригинальное название: Cool Sheets
Street Date/Год выпуска: 1989
Runtime/Продолжительность: 1:17:14
Category/Жанр: Feature, Anal, Oral
Company/Cтудия: Plum Productions
Director/Режиссер: Anthony Spinelli
Starring/В ролях: Jon Martin, Randy West, Victoria Paris, Tianna, Cheri Taylor
Story/Описание: Живя в одном доме, Бадди по черному завидует Микки. Ведь тот в отличии от Бадди пользуется большой популярностью у девушек. А Бадди остаётся только мечтать. Но подружка Микки не остаётся безучастной к переживаниям Бадди и решает уделить ему своё внимание. Jon Martin за роль в этом фильме был удостоен статуетки 1990 AVN Winner -Best Actor Video!
Cool Sheets is a porn movie of the old school, i.e. there is a plot of sorts, beautiful women who look natural and a cast who at least try to act. It could be said that this movie belongs to that era described as the Golden Age of Porn, although to my mind, Golden Age of Porn is like saying High Class Hooker, it is a contradiction in terms. I wonder how many porn actresses would describe having sex every which way with streams of men as the golden years of their lives. Readers will notice that I have not mentioned the male actors, but they would have enjoyed it wouldn't they?
The plot, such as it is, concerns Buddy (Jon Martin) who cannot attract a girlfriend and who wishes he was more like his friend Mickey, played by Randy West who is a hit with the ladies. Mickey is the luckiest guy in the world, having the gorgeous Victoria Paris as his girlfriend and Buddy imagines what it must be like being Mickey.
This being a porn movie, it goes without saying that the women are stunningly attractive. Randy West struts his body-builder physique and Jon Martin looks the typical athlete although it would be difficult to imagine a guy like him unable to attract girls. The acting and delivery of dialogue between sex scenes could have been more convincing but ultimately, this movie belongs to Victoria Paris who, with her taught body and toned complexion is showcased at the peak of her career.