Успокоить Моего Папу / Soothing My Daddy (2015)
Продолжительность: 00:40:28
Марша и папа отдыхают на диване, рассказывая друг другу кто как провел этот день и что у них произошло за этот день. Папа был очень расстроен, ведь он трудится на работе не покладая рук, а его босс считает, что его работа плохая. Дочь старается успокоить своего папу, она готова пойти слишком далеко, лишь бы папочка успокоился, даже на запретное.
Marsha and her dad are relaxing on the couch talking about their day. He's so upset that no matter how hard he works that his boss won't give him a raise for the videos he edits. She tries to help him like any daughter would by showing him the videos she watches. Taboo stories with older men and younger women. He can't believe his daughter is into this and she assures him that it's not something she would want to do but likes it as a fantasy. She leaves him to watch and study. When Marsha returns she finds her dad sound asleep. "Daddy.. wake up.." She softly says. When he doesn't wake she sits next to him and watches him. His cock is so big in his underwear that she can't help but softly run her mouth over it. She doesn't want to get in trouble, knowing what she's doing is wrong, but she wanted his dick for so long that she can't help herself. She pulls it out and puts it in her mouth as he sleeps. Each suck makes her more bold. He must be dreaming. She pulls up her shirt and places her dad's hand on her firm young breasts. He cums in his wet dream into his daughter's hungry mouth. She swallows him, swallowing cum for the first time, and thinks he tastes just like candy to her horny young mouth. She leaves him sleeping and sucked. She needs to have more of him. Her fantasy fulfilled only makes her want him all the time.
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Оригинальное название: Успокоить Моего Папу / Soothing My Daddy
Год выхода: 2015
Жанр: Teens
Модели: Marsha May, Cory Chase, Luke Longley